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Professional Translation Service for Your Website

Do you want to expand your website's reach to an audience? You've come to the right place! Translating and localizing your website has never been easier.

Our team is here to provide top-notch translation services in multiple languages to enhance your brand visibility and connect with your target market.

La nostra piattaforma offre:

  • More than translation - we excel at website localization and ensure that your translated content is accurate and adapted to suit the nuances and cultural preferences of target languages.

  • A world of languages - do you want to have a multilingual website? We can help you translate and localize your website seamlessly into different language pairs, more than 30, including regional specificities!

  • Speed and reliability - in business, every second counts. Rest assured, our promise of a fast turnaround time will ensure you're ready for the stage in no time.

  • Managed services - our project managers will guide you through the translation process and workflow to guarantee the success of your project. Thanks to transparent and smooth communication, be ensured that your feedback and comments will be taken into account for outstanding results.


Oltre 1000 clienti si affidano a noi ogni mese: 
30 lingue
e Dialetti
Zero plagi
Triplo controllo antiplagio, verifica ed editing
10 anni di esperienza
nella creazione di contenuti di alta qualità

Traduciamo tutti gli argomenti in 30 lingue

Traduciamo testi in 30 lingue di qualsiasi tipo di contenuto dalla A alla Z
Servizi finanziari
Elettronica di consumo
Moda & Bellezza
Software & Tecnologie


Do you want to know the cost of website language translation services? Prices are a matter of choice, depending on your needs, requirements, volumes, and deadlines.

Still, you can check the potential costs below, and remember that we provide value for every penny you invest. For a detailed estimate that matches your needs, please contact us.

recipe book icon
10 blog che promuovono la tua creatività di moda
Oggetto: Moda 
Parole: 800-1000
Lingua: Tedesco 
Qualità: Linguista
Pagina di destinazione: Ottimizzazione SEO
Oggetto: Marketing
Parole: 2000–2500
 Lingua: Inglese (US) 
Qualità: Expert
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E-book: Website Relaunch Guide 
Oggetto: Educazione 
Parole: 2500–3000
Lingua: Francese 
Qualità: Linguista Senior

Come funziona la piattaforma Greatcontent?

1. Si crea un briefing
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Inizialmente, è necessario fornire istruzioni e contesto chiari ai nostri traduttori. Il briefing può essere basato su un modello oppure scritto da zero.

2. Seleziona il traduttore desiderato
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Il successo del tuo progetto dipende molto dal traduttore che tradurrà i tuoi testi. Ti forniremo diverse opzioni per assicurarti di avere il miglior traduttore possibile per i tuoi progetti.

3. I nostri traduttori traducono il tuo articolo
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After the selection, a translator will start working on the project following the brief. The translation speed depends on different factors such as selected language, quality level, briefing instructions, topic, etc.

4. Feedback del traduttore e approvazione dell'articolo
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Sei giunto alla fase finale e il testo è a un passo dalla pubblicazione. Do you have further instructions? You can give feedback to the translator and identify the areas that need corrections. If not, you should accept the text within a reasonable time.

Perché 1000 clienti tra startup, agenzie e società internazionali si fidano di noi?

Website Translation F.A.Q

1. How much does it cost to translate a website?
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The cost of translating a website varies based on several factors, including the word count, target languages, and complexity of the content. At greatcontent, we offer competitive pricing tailored to your specific needs. Contact us for a personalized quote.

2. How long does it take to translate a website?
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The turnaround time for website translation depends on the volume of texts, the potential rounds of feedback and reworks, and the subject matter expertise of the content. Typically, a standard website can be translated within a week, but this can vary.

3. How do I find the best translation?
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È difficile indicare il tempo generale necessario per completare le attività. La velocità di scrittura dipende da diversi fattori come la lingua selezionata, il livello di qualità, le istruzioni di briefing, l'argomento, ecc.

4. How do translation and localization differ?
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While translation focuses on converting content from one language to another, localization goes a step further. It adapts the content to suit the target region's cultural, societal, and linguistic nuances. At greatcontent, we're not just about professional website translation services; we're also big on website localization.

5. How do you calculate prices for official translations?
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Official translation pricing is determined by factors like the type of document, its length, the required certification level, and the urgency of the request. We provide transparent pricing, ensuring you get value for your investment. For specific pricing details, please reach out to our customer service team.