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Professional Language localization services

Have you ever thought about how your website could resonate with audiences worldwide? Dive into the world of greatcontent, where we transcreate your content to speak universally and feel locally unique to your target market.

La nostra piattaforma offre:

  • Local cultural experts - our team of localization specialists goes beyond translation. They skillfully craft narratives ensuring that your localized content feels homegrown, no matter where your home is.

  • Punctual precision - time waits for no brand. Our commitment? Delivering high-quality localization that is as timely as the town clock.

  • Guided journeys - our project managers act as your trusted travel guides, leading the way through the landscape of localization projects.

  • Future-ready tech -  with our high-quality localization technology, we're not up to date but prepared for future advancements in localization projects. From website localization to software localization and machine translation, we possess all the needed expertise for professional localization services. 

Oltre 1000 clienti si affidano a noi ogni mese: 
30 lingue
e Dialetti
100% Testi Unici
3x controllo dei contenuti e del plagio, convalida e pubblicazione
10 anni di esperienza
nella creazione di contenuti di alta qualità

Localizziamo tutti gli argomenti in 30 lingue

Localizziamo testi in 30 lingue di qualsiasi tipo di contenuto dalla A alla Z
Servizi finanziari
Elettronica di consumo
Moda & Bellezza
Software & Tecnologie


Are you curious about the costs of language localization services? Prices are a matter of choice, depending on your requirements, volumes, and deadlines.

But you can check the potential costs below. With us, you receive more than value for money. You gain a connected target market that feels connected to your brand.
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Localizzazione di negozi e-commerce
Oggetto: E-commerce 
Parole: 2000–2500
Lingua: Tedesco 
Qualità: Linguista
Localizzazione di corsi online
Oggetto: Educazione
Parole: 5000-6000
 Lingua: Inglese (US) 
Qualità: Expert
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Localizzazione di software
Oggetto: Software  
Parole: 2500–3000
Lingua: Francese 
 Qualità: Linguista Senior

Come funziona la piattaforma Greatcontent?

1. Si crea un briefing
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Inizialmente, è necessario fornire istruzioni e contesto chiari ai nostri traduttori. Il briefing può essere basato su un modello oppure scritto da zero.

2. Seleziona il traduttore desiderato
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Il successo del tuo progetto dipende molto dal traduttore che tradurrà i tuoi testi. Ti forniremo diverse opzioni per assicurarti di avere il miglior traduttore possibile per i tuoi progetti.

3. I nostri traduttori traducono il tuo articolo
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After the selection, a translator will start working on the project following the brief. The translation speed depends on different factors such as selected language, quality level, briefing instructions, topic, etc.

4. Feedback del traduttore e approvazione dell'articolo
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Sei giunto alla fase finale e il testo è a un passo dalla pubblicazione. Do you have further instructions? You can give feedback to the translator and identify the areas that need corrections. If not, you should accept the text within a reasonable time.

Perché 1000 clienti tra startup, agenzie e società internazionali si fidano di noi?

Servizio di Gestione: F.A.Q

1.Where to hire localization services?
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For top-tier localization services, look no further than greatcontent.com. As a trusted localization service provider, we bring together a team of localization experts ready to assist with your specific needs. Our commitment to customer service and quality control ensures that every project meets the highest standards.

2. What does a localization company do?
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A localization service provider, like greatcontent.com, goes beyond mere translation. Localization is the process of adapting content or products to the cultural preferences and linguistic nuances of target markets. This ensures that the content is culturally relevant and resonates with the audience in their native languages. We leverage localization technology and work closely with project managers to oversee the entire localization management process.

3. How much do localization services cost?
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The cost of localization services varies based on the project's complexity, volume of content, target languages, and additional requirements. At greatcontent.com, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality localized content at competitive prices. Consulting with our customer service can provide a more tailored estimate.

4. What are the three types of localization?
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  • Linguistic Localization: Adapting textual and audio content to fit the linguistic requirements of a specific market.
  • Cultural Localization: Ensuring content is culturally relevant, resonating with local customs, values, and sentiments.
  • Technical Localization: Adapting elements like date formats, currencies, and software interfaces. This includes software localization using advanced localization technology.
5. What can localization do for my business?
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Think of localization as giving your business a local accent wherever it goes. Let's say you sell skincare products. If you merely translate your English content for the French market without understanding their beauty standards or climate needs, you might miss the mark. By localizing, not just translating, you're essentially tweaking your product descriptions or ads to resonate with, say, a Parisian's beauty routine or the dry winter in northern France. This deeper connection can lead to higher trust, more sales, and ultimately, revenue growth. 

6. Who needs localization services?
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Any business or individual looking to expand into target markets can benefit from language localization services. This includes companies launching products internationally, software developers targeting users in different regions, or content creators aiming for a global audience. With the guidance of localization experts and the right localization project management, reaching international audiences becomes seamless.